
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
My least favorite aspect of being a mom and wife is HOUSEWORK. Yuck! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the quote, ‘cleaning house while you still have children is like shoveling the drive while it’s still snowing’ but that is exactly how it is! If I clean while the kids are at school, it’s much easier to get it done, but as soon as the walk in the door, it looks like an explosion of backpacks, sho
Bring Your Boots… and Then What?
Bring Your Boots… and Then What?
Bring Your Boots… and Then What?
As the Convention and Visitors Bureau continues with its “Bring Your Boots” campaign, it has created the often asked question. Bring your boots and then what do you do in Victoria when you get here? Not that there is nothing to do in Victoria, but do we have anything unique and outstanding that could attract a visitor here for a full weekend?
Tech Thursday: A Few Tips for Windows 7
Tech Thursday: A Few Tips for Windows 7
Tech Thursday: A Few Tips for Windows 7
If you like to learn new things, here are a few more tips that might help if you use Windows 7. Have a laptop that you connect to your home network and other times to another network? You would like to use the same IP address on your home network, but the other assigns addresses via DHCP. Well, now you don’t have to go in and change the TCP/IP properties each time to switch networks.
The Week in Geek: My Kindle Dilemma
The Week in Geek: My Kindle Dilemma
The Week in Geek: My Kindle Dilemma
Every time I bring up the subject of wanting a Kindle, someone inevitably mentions, “There’s an app for that.” They’re right, of course. It’s a small download, minimal fuss to get it set up the way I want it on my Android phone, and I could be off and reading. Therein lies the problem.
How Moms Keep It Together
How Moms Keep It Together
How Moms Keep It Together
My kids are always saying funny things. If you are my friend on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve seen me quoting them from time to time. The idea for this blog comes from my 5 year old son. He is my rambunctious child. He’s all boy and he’s constantly on the go and trying to entertain himself (yes, sometimes at the cost of others)...
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break, A Lake, And A Bike [VIDEO]
Spring Break isn’t just for kids its for adults, too. Matt Apodackis is a guy who can pull off some crazy stuff... he rode a bike off a fishing pier into the lake this past Sunday. I think the funniest part was his first try when he didn’t make it to the lake and fell over. I felt bad for laughing because he was a little injured but he was a good sport and got back up and tried one more time. When
Tech Thursday: Patch For A Pack
Tech Thursday: Patch For A Pack
Tech Thursday: Patch For A Pack
If you are using the recently released Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) then you need to apply a patch. That’s right; you will need to patch your operating system applying one of the security updates that Microsoft released. The patch is included in Microsoft’s Security Bulletin MS11-015 which is designed to resolve two vulnerabilities...
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
How Are You Spending Spring Break?
It’s Spring Break and I know many of you are taking the time off from the daily chaos to just relax and spend time with your families. Many people go camping or take a trip somewhere to celebrate their spring break while others are taking a “staycation” and keeping close to home...
American Idol’s John Wayne Schulz Interview [VIDEO]
American Idol’s John Wayne Schulz Interview [VIDEO]
American Idol’s John Wayne Schulz Interview [VIDEO]
This morning, John Wayne Schulz of American Idol fame was in the KIXS Studio being interviewed on-air by KIXS own Rob Garrett. John talks about his experiences on American Idol, meeting George Strait before singing the National Anthem, his main reason for trying out for the show, and his plans for the future.
Rock, Paper, Scissors?
Rock, Paper, Scissors?
Rock, Paper, Scissors?
Rock, paper, scissors. A classic decision making activity. It’s more reliable than the Magic 8 Ball. It helps decide who will sit in the front seat, who’s turn it is to grab a beer and who has to do the dishes, just to name a few. But what does this game really portray...
Tech Thursday: In Case You Missed It!
Tech Thursday: In Case You Missed It!
Tech Thursday: In Case You Missed It!
On Tuesday of this week (3-8-11), Microsoft had plans to ship three security bulletins this month to cover at least four serious vulnerabilities in ALL supported versions of Windows. That includes the Windows OS, Microsoft Office and Microsoft’s Groove 2007...
Another Vehicle Versus Another Building
Another Vehicle Versus Another Building
Another Vehicle Versus Another Building
Is it something in the water? Are the bars opening earlier? Are the buildings being allowed to wander around on the streets unsupervised? This morning, a truck drove into one of the exterior barriers of the C.O. Firestone on the corner of Airline and Laurent...

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