Do you find yourself with a little extra spending money, a little bit of spare time and not wanting to go anywhere? Times like that call for a good chilllax. Chillaxing is a very important part of our lives. Its where we just take some time for ourselves and do as little as possible...
Ever wondered if there was some secret trick that would enable you to drink everything you wanted but avoid ending up a drunken, slurring mess? Well, now we know the answer.
To the wild-eyed booze enthusiast, it is a sometimes-necessary evil to cut 80 proof whiskey with diet soda, to keep that girlish figure without having to throw your balls up over your shoulders and just do shots. Good news, friends -- it's also an efficient way to get tanked.
Sex and drinking alcohol are the most beloved of all pastimes, according to a new survey from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Stunning, we know.
Earlier today, we told you about these cool stash rings that are specially designed to hide a single Viagra pill. Now we’ve got another prescription drug-themed item we think you may like even more.
It’s possible the “beer belly” myth has been busted. A German study shows that your beer gut and your beer drinking may not be related. The bad news is, the beer could be helping you gain weight. The not as bad news is that the weight you’re gaining around your midsection isn’t necessarily from beer.