JACK has managed to survive another Valentine's Day through sheer willpower and energy drinks.

JACK would like to extend his thanks to those of you who took the time to help JACK with the translation of his Latina Letty's email. JACK hopes the points he sent you shows how much JACK appreciates the help. But no, JACK is still not going to play your requests...

Click the "Read More" link below to see Latina Letty's original email and the translation.

Hola Jack!

Ayi, como te extrano! Dime cuando nos podemos ver porque ya no aguanto un dia mas sin verte! Ayi, papito, te quiero felicitar especialmente para el dia de San Valentin pero le dices a esa mentada Loony Lyn que te deje en pas!

Tu eres mio y solo mio!

Jack, porque cada vez que va a limpiar Betty te deja algo recien hecho de comer? Dile a tu hermana Pamela que le mando un beso y un abrazo.

Te quiero mucho.

Tu Mami Caliente
Latina LETTY

And now for the translation:

Hi Jack!

Oh, how I miss you! Tell me when we can see each other because I can’t stand one more day without seeing you! Oh honey, I want to give you a special hello for Valentine’s Day, but you have to tell that Loony Lyn to leave you alone!

You are mine and only mine!

Jack, why is it that every time Betty goes and cleans she leaves something that she just cooked for you to eat? Tell your sister Pamela that I send her a hug and kiss.

Love you bunches.

Your HOT Mami
Latina LETTY

JACK thanks you all once again and will now be napping for the rest of the day. After all, JACK has to recharge his batteries some time.

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