Happy Electronic Greeting Card Day
In this world of ever growing technological advances, messaging will not really change much in the way of purpose. We all like to send messages to people, letting him/her know that we remember them and enjoy their time. Today is a great so show your appreciation (or affection), or simply just to say "Hello," to someone by sending them an electronic greeting. Pass along a season's greeting.
Strike up a conversation with friends and family and talk about your day. Talk about your plans for the upcoming holidays and how you should get together to celebrate together...talk about how you can celebrate today's holiday simply just by sending each other "E-Greets" (electronic greetings). In case you wanted to know, the first "e-card" was created way back in 1994 by Judith Donath in the form of an electronic postcard. If you want to learn more about today's holiday and other fun facts, click here.
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