
Why Aren’t More Kids Interested in Working in Science and Technology?
Why Aren’t More Kids Interested in Working in Science and Technology?
Why Aren’t More Kids Interested in Working in Science and Technology?
Millions of Americans may be out of work, but numerous surveys have shown lots of job opportunities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (dubbed STEM by the analysts) — so why aren’t more students considering them? A new study indicates many kids feel getting into those professions would simply be “too challenging.”
Light-Up Cereal Boxes and Other Whiz-Bang Product Packaging [VIDEOS]
Light-Up Cereal Boxes and Other Whiz-Bang Product Packaging [VIDEOS]
Light-Up Cereal Boxes and Other Whiz-Bang Product Packaging [VIDEOS]
We found these light-up cereal boxes today that illuminate store shelves. These are just a marketing demo but there's a good chance this electrical induction technique will be lighting up grocery stores in the near future. We've got the video, along with a few other mind-blowing examples of the future of point of purchase display gadgetry.