
Taiwan Gets it Right with Funeral Strippers
Taiwan Gets it Right with Funeral Strippers
Taiwan Gets it Right with Funeral Strippers
Funerals suck. We don’t like to get into that sappy crap. Unless of course said funeral involves half-naked women, because half-naked women make any situation a thousand times better. Well folks, our twisted dreams have come true. Over in Taiwan, they have this whole honoring the dead thing down pat...
Dyeing Dogs — A Trend Sweeping Asia?
Dyeing Dogs — A Trend Sweeping Asia?
Dyeing Dogs — A Trend Sweeping Asia?
You may not actually own a baby panda, but with the right dog and a little dye, you can fool people into thinking you do. As recently as 10 years ago, dogs were raised as food in Taiwan. But now many Chinese see that as a shameful reminder of a less-prosperous time and are embracing man’s best friends as companions, instead.
Watch a Taiwanese Musician Play Three Instruments at Once [VIDEO]
Watch a Taiwanese Musician Play Three Instruments at Once [VIDEO]
Watch a Taiwanese Musician Play Three Instruments at Once [VIDEO]
Sometimes, you'll hear musicians bragging about how they played all the instruments on their latest album. But when the say that, they mean they played each instrumental track separately, then mixed them together in the studio. This musician from Taiwan, however, has the coordination to play three instruments at once, and is able to do so without wearing pants. So take that, Prince. Check out the amazing feat after the jump.