
Maine Grandmother Gives Birth to Her Grandson — Find Out How
Maine Grandmother Gives Birth to Her Grandson — Find Out How
Maine Grandmother Gives Birth to Her Grandson — Find Out How
It’s the typical American story. Daughter is becoming a first-time mom, and her mother wants to be supportive and helpful to her child. But that’s where our story takes a 21st century twist. What happens when a wannabe mother has a health condition that makes it dangerous for her to get pregnant? Enter first-time grandma. Literally.
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-year-old Dylan Viale has a very close relationship with his grandmother Sherry, who is blind. The two walk dogs and go to the movies together, and recently went to a Lego event where they helped build a giant Lego Yoda. But because of her vision impairment, Dylan wasn’t able to share with his grandmother his love of video games. So the fifth-grader at Hidden Valley Elementary in Martinez, CA, d
Urn With Grandma Inside Left At Goodwill Store
Urn With Grandma Inside Left At Goodwill Store
Urn With Grandma Inside Left At Goodwill Store
This is no way to treat your grandmother. Officials at a Goodwill store in Fenton, Michigan are trying to track down whoever left an urn at the shop. That's weird, but what's even weirder is it came in a box marked "Grandma's Urn."