
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Everyone gets sleepy during work sometimes, but as a clerk in Germany recently learned, a bank transaction probably isn't the best time for a power nap. In fact, he fell asleep on his keyboard and accidentally transferred more than $295 million dollars to a customer. How come our bank never did that for us?
Woman Has Same Bank Account For 98 Years [VIDEO]
Woman Has Same Bank Account For 98 Years [VIDEO]
Woman Has Same Bank Account For 98 Years [VIDEO]
When June Gregg finds something that works for her, she sticks with it. The Chillicothe, Ohio woman, who recently turned 100, has defied the volatile nature of today's financial world by using the same savings account at the same bank since 1913.