
March Is the Best Time to Uh, Come In Like a Lion
March Is the Best Time to Uh, Come In Like a Lion
March Is the Best Time to Uh, Come In Like a Lion
Regardless of whether you get it on in a filthy bathroom stall or a five-star hotel room, there isn't really a bad place to have sex, as far as we're concerned. However, a new study suggests that the month of March may actually be the best time of the year to do the deed.
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Vows to Only Eat Meat He Kills
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Vows to Only Eat Meat He Kills
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Vows to Only Eat Meat He Kills
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for setting random personal challenges for himself and successfully completing them. Last year, for example, he pledged to master Mandarine Chinese. This year, the 27-year-old CEO has one-upped himself by vowing to only consume meat in which he's killed himself.
Russian Man Makes Adorable Kitten Crash Test [VIDEO]
Russian Man Makes Adorable Kitten Crash Test [VIDEO]
Russian Man Makes Adorable Kitten Crash Test [VIDEO]
A Russian man has created what's now being referred to as an explosion of cuteness: a kitten crash test. It's similar to a car crash test in which a vehicle runs full speed into a wall or another car. But instead of a hunk of metal on metal, it's a giant pile of soft and fuzzy times two.