Recent Study Finds Most Over Weight City in US in South Texas
A recent study of most obese cities was just released by wallethub.com and has a deep South Texas town at the top of the list. Not to mention a few within driving distance of the Victoria area on the top 50. In short, there were three key points to the study: 1) Obesity & Overweight, 2) Health Consequences, and 3) Food & Fitness. You can read all the criteria by clicking here.
McAllen/Edinburg/Mission top the list as the #1 obese town in the US!
San Antonio-New Braunfels come in at #25 on the list, while Sugar Land comes in at #46, respectively.
My personal reasoning for this is probably the amount awesome Mexcian restaurants that are readily available in South Texas. I mean, San Antonio has been coined in a couple of different studies as the 'Best Mexican Food'.' While they have great Mexican food in SA, there is much better Mexican food in many small South Texas towns.
The best Mexican food that I have ever had comes from a town with a population of fewer than 200 people. Maybe you have heard of this small town? Mirando City! Located 35 miles east of Laredo. The restaurant is called La La's Cafe and is the epitome of authentic Mexican Food.
This restaurant is a hotspot for hunters and oilfield workers and has been featured in many publications in Texas. I mean you know it's about to get real when you walk in and see a four-top stove with a comal and a grandpa wearing an apron. It is absolutely fantastic! Oh yeah, they make homemade corn tortillas too. How did I find this place? My wife is from a small town called Bruni, Texas which is only 12 miles away on Highway 359. Don't let the building fool you

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