La Lechuza: Spanish Tales We Tell Texas Kids Just to Scare Them

If you've lived in South Texas longer than a day, you can see that South Texans embrace Mexico's holidays, foods and folklore.
One of the more interesting facts about folklore tales is that the moral of the story can often be deceiving. Or, like in the tale of La Lechuza, hiding... in a tree.
Peek A Boo! She sees you!
The best part though?
The terrifying Mexican folklore we tell to Texas kids to scare them are actually gaining in popularity!
Have you ever heard of the chupacabra? Exactly.
Let's chat about the horrifying legend of Le Lechuza, probably one of the spooky stories we tell our children in Texas!
Lurking behind the childhood minds of most of my Hispanic friends, the terrifying legend of La Lechuza continues to scare the hello out of them, but like many folklore tales, they get passed down from generation to generation because they HELP KEEP THE KIDS IN LINE!
Yep, we keep passing these terrifying tales down through the ages just to manage kids behaviors!
La Lechuza, the shapeshifting barn owl witch from hell hates three things; men, salt, and you guessed it Dr. Spock, curse words.
The legendary La Lechuza is known to turn herself from a hideous witch into a hideous owl, lurking in the trees at night, just waiting on a branch to overhear a child say a bad word so she can strike them.
And we are being polite when we say strike them.
She also hates men that are breathing, but that's not all! La Lechuza disguises her voice to that of a helpless baby, so sometimes even good-natured women can fall victim to her cruelty!
Isn't this just the perfect bedtime story for children who are experimenting with bad words?
Check out this freaky video from Sinister Stories if you dare!
Let us know in the comments on Facebook if your parents used to scare the owl out of you with the Legend of La Lechuza!
Good night sweetie, Sweet dreams.
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