Actor Keanu Reeves has revealed a shiny new guitar somehow taking part in the imminent and long-awaited Bill & Ted sequel, Bill & Ted Face the Music. The film is expected next year after it was officially announced by Reeves and co-star Alex Winter in March. The pair portrayed the time-traveling duo in both 1989's Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and the 1991 follow-up Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey.

Thanks to recent reports, interested viewers were already aware that filming for the new flick was underway in New Orleans. But an Instagram photo from local party band MoJEAUX has revealed a guitar apparently involved in the production, a sparkly silver San Dimas model from the shredder-friendly Charvel brand. In the image shared last week (Aug. 17), Reeves holds the axe while flanked by Winter and MoJEAUX's guitarist. And the caption hints to "Bill and Ted’s Guitar Teacher." See the photo down toward the bottom of this post.

But that's not all. MoJEAUX's social media outpost also shared a video of the guitar in all its glory. Plus, in addition to posing with Reeves and Winter, the band's guitarist is shown with an in-makeup William Sadler, the Bogus Journey actor who's said to be reprising the role of Death in the forthcoming third film.

Is MoJEAUX's guitarist giving Reeves and Winter some lessons during production? Will the shiny San Dimas — the guitar's name fittingly echoing the locale from which Bill and Ted originate — show up in the film? Bill & Ted Face the Music is due in theaters Aug. 21, 2020. Read the official synopsis below.

Following 1989's 'Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure' and 1991's 'Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey,' the stakes are higher than ever for William 'Bill' S. Preston Esq. (Winter) and Theodore 'Ted' Logan (Reeves). Yet to fulfill their rock and roll destiny, the now middle-aged best friends set out on a new adventure, when a visitor from the future warns them that only their song can save life as we know it and bring harmony to the universe. Along the way, they will be helped by their families, old friends and a few music legends.

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