Happy…Magic Day?
While today is a momentous day for all the ghouls, goblins and the Things That Go Bump In The Night it is also another holiday today. Today is National Magic Day, with the focus on one magician in particular, Harry Houdini (arguably the greatest magician and escape artist). This holiday was set up a year after his death in 1929 (Oct. 31) and is also known as Houdini Day.
The week of October 25th through the 31st is when the The Society of American Magicians organizes this week as National Magic Week for the better learning and understanding of the science of magic.
So, before you go out and have a night of spooky fun go on and touch up on your magic history and wow the crowd with some of that magical pizzazz and prestige. If you want to learn more about today's holiday and Harry Houdini, click here.
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