Guadalupe in Victoria Forecast to Crest Near Major Flood Level
With more rain in the forecast, this could change! Every year, when torrential rains start falling in our areas we start paying attention to our river levels! As of right now, a River Flood Warning for the Guadalupe River at Riverside Park is until further notice! As of early Saturday, the level of the river was at 13.6 feet. The river will continue to rise above flood stage late this afternoon and continue rising to a crest of 29.3 feet early Tuesday afternoon. This is considered a moderate flood stage. The river will then remain above flood levels until further notice. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet.
Please note that at 29.5 feet, that is considered a major flood stage, and lowland flooding occurs. Riverside Park, much of the golf course, including the golf cart sheds, and the zoo flood. Water begins to flow over the river bank in the Greens Addition Subdivision at the end of Gunther Street, and begins to encroach into the roadway ditches. The homes in the Greens Addition Subdivision may be impacted by shallow flooding.
With much more rain in the forecast, I would keep a close look at the river levels and be prepared for possible major flooding along the Guadalupe in Cuero, Victoria, and Bloomington.
Just in case you didn't remember, the Guadalupe crested in Victoria at 33.85 feet at 2 p.m. that Tuesday afternoon, October 20, 1998. The flood stage is 21 feet. While those numbers were high, Cuero had it much worse. The Guadalupe River in Cuero crested at 49.8 feet in Cuero, flood stage is 20 feet.

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