DIY For All The Peeps Out There Who Are Not Good At Decorate Eggs

I can decorate a Christmas tree like nobody's business but when it comes to good looking Easter eggs for the holiday season, forget about it!
The photo below exemplifies exactly how I feel about Easter egg decorating!
Thankfully we've got a great resource called YouTube to help those of us who are Easter Egg decorating deficient!
With Easter just a few days away, we thought it would be fun to show you some of the best DIY Easter egg decorating videos on YouTube today, giving you plenty of time to gather your supplies before you help Peter Cottontail wow the kids Easter morning.
Arne Trautmann
We've even included DIY ways to NOT BREAK THE EGG SHELL prior to decorating them if you are going the more complicated route. Because you know, nothing says Easter like getting frustrated at decorating eggs.
Come on, you know it happens to the best of us! My favorite DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas come from two sources on YouTube. The first one is one of my big addictions thanks to 5 Minute Crafts!
How about these DIY Easter Egg Decorating Ideas from What'sUpMoms on Youtube!
I mean who knew you can skip the dye and just add stickers?
Don't break the egg! Shout out to Practically Functional for their great YouTube video!
Want to see something amazing? You've got to check out National Geographic's Easter Egg Decorating video on YouTube. I mean this are next level! Sigh, maybe next year if I start in December...ya probably not, but these eggs from a Romanian artist are just incredible.
We want to know how your Easter egg decorating went! If you send us a picture of your glorious works of art ( and by art we mean whatever happened) on our station apps or Facebook page for a fun giveaway!
From all of us at Townsquare Media, we want to wish you and yours a very happy Easter!
Want to see some pics of some BIG Easter fun? Check out our big Easter Celebration at Riverside Park last Saturday!

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