Casey Anthony Mask on eBay Sold for Almost $1 MILLION?
It's highly unlikely that the final bid on this Casey Anthony Mask is legitimate. The surprising fact is that this is actually a thing, that there is a mask of Casey Anthony floating around and that people actually bid on it.
A quick check of the bidding history shows three bids in a row that escalated the price from the more "reasonable" $45,000 dollars to $700,000. All three bids appear to be made by the same user ID.
Equally questionable is the fact that the mask got up to $45,000 in the first place.
A bid on eBay is, according to the site's guidelines, a legally binding contract. A quick look at the buyer's info, however, reveals one bid in their history and that was on the mask.
To check out the mask and the closed auction, you can click here to see it on eBay.