Listen! Weird Al Parodies Taylor Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me’ with New Song, ‘TMZ’
At the ripe old age of 21, Taylor Swift has sold more than 20 million albums and won multiple Grammy Awards — but now that she’s had one of her songs parodied by ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, she can say she’s truly made it.
On his recently released new album, ‘Alpocalypse,’ Yankovic spoofed Swift’s ‘You Belong With Me,’ renaming it ‘TMZ’ and subbing in paparazzi-tweaking lyrics like “You’re sorta famous, a minor celebrity / And so it only makes sense the world would be / Obsessed with every single thing you do … If they ever catch you picking your nose / Or stumbling the street on a drunken spree / You’re on TMZ.”
‘Alpocalypse’ is Yankovic’s 13th studio album, and first since 2006′s ‘Straight Outta Lynwood.’ It includes parodies of the White Stripes, Weezer, the Doors, and Lady Gaga, who is lampooned in the first single, ‘Perform This Way.’
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