On Wednesday morning, around 11:30 am, a small jet landed at Victoria Regional Airport. As it landed there was a peaceful quiet that fell over everyone standing at the fence line as they stood watching. The jet taxied on the tarmac escorted by a fire truck and a couple of security vehicles...all with lights flashing. The jet had precious cargo on board. The body of a fallen hero.

Army Spc. Kerry Danyluk, 27 of Cuero, was wounded by small arms fire April 12 in Pul-e-Alam, Logar province, Afghanistan. He died on April 15 as a result of those injuries.


As the jet came to a stop the pallbearers approached the flag draped casket. Veterans from past wars stood in salute as it was lowered and marched in cadence to the awaiting hearse with Kerry's family watching on with tears in their eyes as their soldier came home one last time. Escorted by police cars from all over the Crossroads, Fire trucks and The Patriot Guard Riders on their motorcycles, the procession made it's way away from the airport and down Business 59 which was lined with hundreds of people...some bearing flags or signs thanking the hero for his service.


People from all over the Crossroads came to the airport to pay their respects even though they never knew the man. Listening to the people in the crowd talk to each other the consensus was the same....they felt in their heart it was where they needed to be. And same goes for me. I never met Army Spc. Kerry Danyluk but yet I felt compelled to be there. If nothing else to welcome him home and to say thanks for giving his life in order for me to have the freedom to do what I do each and every morning. It was a surreal experience.

Rest In Peace Kerry....and thanks again.

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