Victoria Plans for Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Hub
The Crossroads are will see its first mass COVID-19 vaccination hub before the week is out according to Crossroadstoday.com.
The Texas State Department of Health Services and the Victoria County Public Health Director David Gonzales says the county will work with Citizens Medical, DeTar, Post Acute Medical, Victoria Fire Department, and Victoria Emergency Management to deliver COVID-19 vaccine to the community. As of this morning, the county is still waiting on the arrival of the vaccine.
Once it does arrive the Victoria County Public Health Department says that Frontline Health Care Workers will be first (Tier 1a). Tier 1b (65 and over with high risk) will be notified next. You can register at Swift911 for updates. Notifications will be sent by the health department every time a new shipment of vaccine arrives.
State Department of Health Services says that a similar vaccine distribution will be taking place in the Jackson County area. Registration information for the Victoria County hub will be available very soon. Bookmarking the Victoria OEM page and checking for updates is a good idea for anyone interested in getting the vaccine asap.
At the end of the day Monday, Victoria announced another 58 new cases of COVID-19 in Victoria County bringing our total of active cases to 473, with our local hospitalization rate at 21%.

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