Victoria Opens Registration for the COVID-19 Vaccine Waitlist
Victoria residents are lining up to be added to the COVID-19 waitlist which is now available at until 4 pm today. Registration continues Monday, March 1 from 9 am to 4 pm.
Valerie Perez with shared the information about the online registration process saying it's already far improved from the first rounds with the addition of new inoculate software.
Registration is still for Phase 1A and 1B. Anyone who registers will be added to a smart waitlist and then selected at random for an appointment. Successful registration will be followed by a notification of the appointment date and time. This notification will either be delivered over the phone or via email with a single-use link. Be sure to follow the instructions as soon as the link arrives. You'll have up to 48 hours to confirm the scheduled appointment time.
Phase 1A candidates include our health care workers, emergency service teams, and residents with an increased risk of coming in contact with the virus.
Phase 1B candidates are our seniors who are 65 and older, women who are pregnant, anyone who may have had an organ transplant, and anyone who is 16 or older who may have a chronic condition like cancer, heart conditions, or type 2 diabetes.
For many seniors who may not be able to go online, a phone number has been set up at 1-888-966-5640.
Residents are asked to register just one time. Multiple registrations will be removed from the system. Patience is encouraged as supplies are still limited but availability is expected to increase in March for many cities in Texas.
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