USPS Celebrates Wonder Woman’s 75th Anniversary With New Line Of Stamps [SDCC 2016]
Wonder Woman has been a lot of things to a lot of people over seventy five years. She's an Amazon, a TV star, a spy, a cartoon star, a warrior, a movie star and a bonafide God of War. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of one of comics' most iconic superheroes, the United States Postal Service has issued four Forever stamps chronicling the evolution of Diana of Themyscira from the Golden Age to the present day.
The stamps were unveiled online today as part of DC Comics' celebration of the hero's anniversary, and will be on display at San Diego Comic Con this Saturday among several other commemorative items. The stamps were designed by art director Greg Breeding and as Forever stamps they will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one ounce price.
Unfortunately, while the announcement and subsequent press release celebrated the various era of Wonder Woman, it did not credit the artists responsible for the art on each stamp, but luckily we've got the internet's foremost Wonder Womanologist Elle Collins here at ComicsAlliance to help identify not only which artist drew each stamp, but their exact origin.
The first stamp celebrates the Modern Age, and is by Cliff Chiang, from Wonder Woman vol 4 #7.
The second stamp celebrates the Bronze Age, and is by José Luis García-López, from Wonder Woman vol 1 #329.
The third stamp celebrates the Silver Age, and is by Irv Novick, from Wonder Woman vol 1 #173.
The final stamp celebrates the Golden Age, and is by Jon L. Blummer, from Sensation Comics #1.
While unveiled this weekend at SDCC, the stamps' first-day-of-issue dedication ceremony will take place Oct. 7 at New York Comic-Con on Friday October 7.