Uplifting Lost and Found Dog Story From Colorado Back Home to Texas
Bear was likely stolen from his family's back yard three years ago.
Imagine the hysteria and sinking feeling a Texas family had to work through after their beloved dog, a Rottweiler went missing from their backyard.
The family suspected he had been stolen, but never gave up hope that one day, he would come home.
Even as the years went on, three in fact, they thought of Bear and how much he meant to them.
So you can imagine how elated they were when they got the call. Bear had been found and he was on the way home!
Thankfully the family had thought enough of their fur baby to have him microchipped.
But this is just the beginning of the story.
Hundreds of miles away during busy traffic on Hwy. 36 in Westminster Colorado, a woman is traveling at high speeds on her way to work when she witnesses a dog dashing as fast as he can across the highway!
Not sure of the state the dog was in, if he was being chased, if someone owned him or if he was even friendly, she still made the decision to stop and try to rescue the dog.
According to a report by KVUE it was terrifying because of the traffic zooming by, but she managed to get the dog safely to her car. "He was just the sweetest and you could just tell he was a good boy." she offers.
She immediately took him to the vet and thanks to the microchip, Bear from Texas is now on his way home!
I mean just look at this good boy's face!
Can we just agree that lost and found pet stories with a happy ending like this one makes our day? I know it makes mine!