Lottery officials have confirmed that this was the third of four top prizes worth $20 million to be claimed from the game. This prize is huge, however, so are the ticket prices. The $20 Million Supreme cost $100 a ticket. A Fort Worth resident has won $20 million from a scratch-off ticket, Texas Lottery officials announced Tuesday.  There is one $20 million dollar jackpot remaining in the state of Texas.  Besides the one remaining jackpot, here is a breakdown of the other remaining winning tickets in this series:

Texas Lottery
Texas Lottery

15 $100,000 tickets reamin in circulation.

157 $1,000 tickets remain in circulation

There are also winning ticket amounts of  $500, $300, $200, and $150

Lets break down numbers and stats for Texas Lottery scratch tickets. The latest edition has been released recently and still has all the TOP PRIZES remaining.  So I thought, I would break down the odds on a full book, just for fun:



There are a total of 50 tickets in a book: $500.00 

Guaranteed payout on each book: $250.00 

As you see, the odds always are in favor of the Texas Lottery. However, the question will you buy or play a book that has those extra surprises?

Overall odds of winning any prize on this ticket is 1 in 3.80

$50.00 winner is found at least once in every two books. The odds are 1 in 33

$100 winner is found at least once in every 2 books. The odds are 1 in 100

$200 winner is found at least once in every 8 books. The odds are 1 in 405

A $500 winner is found at last once in every 60 books. The odds are 1 in 3000

A $1000 winner is found at least once in every 400 books. The odds are 1 in 20,000. There is a total of 42 $1000 prizes in this game.

A $10,000 winner is found at least once in every 20,100 books. The odds are 1 in 1,005,000 There are a total of 8 $10,000 prizes in this game. 

A $50,000 winner is found at least once in every 40,200 books. The odds are 1 in 2.010,000. There are a total of 4 $50,000 prizes in this game. 

Top prizes of $250,000 are found once in every 32,160 books, The odds are 1 in 1,608,000 There are a total of 5 top prizes.

All information is courtesy of the Texas Lottery website.

Please play Texas Scratchers responsibly!

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