Texas A&M Extends Spring Break For Students Due To Coronavirus
With the threat of the Coronavirus spreading, Texas A&M has decided to cancel classes on March 16th and 17th, but they are still requiring that all faculty and personnel report in. So...great news for students! Faculty and staff, you have our utmost sympathies, but at the very least that should be time clocked and therefore you won't be missing that on the next paycheck. Silver Lining! Even though classes will be canceled next Monday and Tuesday, A&M will still have functioning services such as dining, transportation, health counseling, and others.
Texas A&M launched a sort of campaign to keep track of traveling students and staff to ensure that they will be at risk of getting sick. Texas A&M has even gone as far as to list certain areas by the level designated by the Center for Disease Control and persons who go to those places are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Any person undergoing the self-quarantine is to monitor their health and are encouraged to make calls and talk to qualified health practitioners so they have a better understanding and a better idea of how to self-care during this time. If you want to read more on this then check out the article made by KBTX here.
Texas A&M is taking preventative measures against the spreading of coronavirus. By canceling two days of classes that allows ample time for traveling students and staff to come back and get assessed and check if they happened to visit areas the CDC considered potentially hazardous. If you would like to see a virtual tour of the Texas A&M campus, check out the video below:

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