Weekend Box Office Report

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘The Conjuring’ Conjures Up a Massive Opening
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘The Conjuring’ Conjures Up a Massive Opening
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘The Conjuring’ Conjures Up a Massive Opening
There was a lot of buzz surrounding James Wan's 'The Conjuring' going into this weekend. "Scariest movie of the year." "Best horror movie in a long time." And so on. But it paid off. 'The Conjuring' not only won the box office, it won the box office in a way that R-rated horror movies often don't. Between this and 'The Purge,' R-rated horror is officially back in a big way. Rea
Weekend Box Office Report: Playing Catch-Up With ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
Weekend Box Office Report: Playing Catch-Up With ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
Weekend Box Office Report: Playing Catch-Up With ‘The Dark Knight Rises’
Since the box office numbers from last week were not formally released until after the weekend passed, we need to play a quick game of catch-up with ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’ The third and final of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies opened to $160 million, a number that is staggering, but not record breaking. Did it even stand a chance of breaking the $200 million mark and challenging ‘The Avengers‘
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Madagascar 3′ and ‘Prometheus’ Remain Supreme
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Madagascar 3′ and ‘Prometheus’ Remain Supreme
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Madagascar 3′ and ‘Prometheus’ Remain Supreme
For those of us who follow the box office, this weekend was a case of deja vu. Once again, ‘Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted‘ headlined the top ten and once again, ‘Prometheus‘ snatched the number two spot. Both films managed to keep their momentum despite the opening of two new releases starring two of the biggest movie stars in the world. That’s good news if you’re ‘Madagascar 3′ or ‘Prometheu