
Rick Perry Presents His ‘Top Ten Excuses’ on Letterman [VIDEO]
Rick Perry Presents His ‘Top Ten Excuses’ on Letterman [VIDEO]
Rick Perry Presents His ‘Top Ten Excuses’ on Letterman [VIDEO]
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Rick Perry caused a stir the other night at a debate when he couldn’t remember the third government department he would close down. You knew talk shows like ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ were going to say something about it. But it was actually Perry himself who came on to the show last night to give the ‘Top Ten Rick Perry Excuses’ list.
Steve Perry: Watching Journey Continue Was ‘Emotionally Hard’
Steve Perry: Watching Journey Continue Was ‘Emotionally Hard’
Steve Perry: Watching Journey Continue Was ‘Emotionally Hard’
Since his departure from Journey in 1998, former vocalist Steve Perry has been absent both from the concert stage and the recording studio. But in a new interview, Perry reveals that he’s got quite a bit of material done, and is working to complete construction on a home studio with the aim to develop and finally record some new songs. He’s also made peace with the fact that his former group conti