
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Gun Sales Surge, Just Like When Obama Was Elected the First Time
Following President Obama's victory last week, gun sales have spiked, much like they did in 2008 when he was first elected. Second Amendment supporters fear that a Democratic administration will tighten the screws on their ability to possess certain firearms, so the idea is to buy as many as possible while they're still available...
Win a Free Airline Ticket if Your Candidate Loses
Win a Free Airline Ticket if Your Candidate Loses
Win a Free Airline Ticket if Your Candidate Loses
If you wake up on November 7 and decide you just can't bear to live in a land with a President Romney or withstand another four years of President Obama, then have we got an offer for you: JetBlue Airways will fly you out of the country free of charge.
Obama Delivers Mighty Zing to Clint Eastwood on Twitter
Obama Delivers Mighty Zing to Clint Eastwood on Twitter
Obama Delivers Mighty Zing to Clint Eastwood on Twitter
Oh SNAP! Everyone’s been going crazy about Clint Eastwood’s speech at the Republican National Convention last night, in which he addressed an empty chair as though Barack Obama were seated in it. Jokes were made. Rallying cries were … cried. It was pretty much Twitter insanity. One joke stands above the rest when all is said and done though — this picture, posted by Barack Obama’s official Twitter
Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney In the Smartphone Showdown Game of the Year
Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney In the Smartphone Showdown Game of the Year
Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney In the Smartphone Showdown Game of the Year
It’s not everyday that you get to see Mitt Romney smacked in the face with a hot dog or President Obama trounced with a balloon sword… Until now. Thanks to a new, free phone game called Vote!!!, you can see it every day. It might seem like they’ve lost sight of the point of democratic elections by making the two presidential candidates go toe-to-toe, but the folks at Epic Games could actually be o
Ted Nugent Says President Obama Represents ‘Everything Bad About Humanity’
Ted Nugent Says President Obama Represents ‘Everything Bad About Humanity’
Ted Nugent Says President Obama Represents ‘Everything Bad About Humanity’
Getting Ted Nugent riled up about politics has become the reporting equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel, but when the Nuge sat down for an interview with the Broward-Palm Beach New Times recently, the writer couldn’t resist — and Nugent was all too happy to oblige, taking the opportunity to go off on yet another tirade about what he sees as an epic struggle between good and evil.
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
During the last race for the White House in 2008, Barack Obama got many of his campaign donations from people who gave small amounts — but since there were a lot of them, they quickly added up to a substantial sum. As this year’s presidential campaign heats up, there’s a similar narrative — only this time it involves overall influence, and it’s playing out on Twitter.
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama Booed for Snubbing Michelle on ‘Kiss Cam’
Barack Obama got the old “Bronx cheer” during the second quarter of the USA versus Brazil men’s basketball exhibition at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC, Monday night. However, the boos had nothing to do with what the crowd thought of his job performance as president. Instead they were reacting to his inexplicable decision not to kiss his wife Michelle when the First Couple was featured on th
Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
The Obama administration got an enormous victory on Thursday when the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to uphold the President’s signature achievement: the 2010 health care law. And in a surprise to many court watchers, it was Chief Justice John Roberts who sided with the more liberal justices and wrote the majority opinion.

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