Victoria loves its salsa and our DJs love to hear who you think has the best in town. Here is what listeners had to say about who makes it best in Victoria.
Our stations are helping the elderly during this summer heat. We are looking for new or used gently used fans. Please let us know if you can help. Bring them by 107 North Star Drive. If you donate a fan today you will receive a Courtesy Car wash gift card (while supplies last)...
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
Climate-change doubters can continue to deny it’s happening, but the facts don’t lie: the National Climatic Data Center reports that in the US, the past year has been the warmest since record-keeping began more than a century ago.