
Drunken Man Goes for Joyride on Airport Runway
Drunken Man Goes for Joyride on Airport Runway
Drunken Man Goes for Joyride on Airport Runway
An airport can be one of the quietest places in the world to spend Christmas Eve; that is as long as there isn’t a deviant bartender somewhere in the place feeding last-minute travelers a high-octane concoction of holiday despair and Makers Mark. At that point, everything from hurt feelings to an international incident is possible - and highly likely.
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Lots of Guns Are Getting Past Airport Security and Onto Planes
Potentially hundreds of loaded handguns could be making it aboard commercial flights every day, rattling the nerves of many frequent flyers, as once again they have reason to question the safety of airline travel. Earlier last week, Transportation Security Administration baggage screeners unknowingly permitted the vice president of the New Orleans Hornets, Joshua Richardson, to board a flight to N