There are few impersonations on SNL we enjoy as much as Jay Pharoah’s President Barack Obama, the chief subject of the latest episode’s cold open. But in a nice twist, the leader of the free world soon finds himself transforming into a monster of a man. Did you really think SNL would get Dwayne Johnson to guest host and not bring back The Rock Obama?

This isn’t the first time this bizarre character has shown up on the show, but anyone with even a limited knowledge of popular culture will be be able to jump right on in. You see, when the President gets angry he pulls a Bruce Banner and transforms into a muscular, roaring beast with a penchant for causing mayhem and destruction. In this case, that mayhem and destruction involves throwing Republican congressmen through windows, tearing arms out of their sockets and threatening to crush heads. Johnson, wearing the tattered remnants of a suit, looks perfectly at home in the carnage.

We also get a quick appearance from Sasheer Zamata’s Michelle Obama, who shows up just long enough to grow enraged herself and a turn into She Rock Obama, played by Leslie Jones. Dumb? Yes. Hilarious? You bet. We could watch these two throw people through windows all day.

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