Love & Spending: The Texan Cities That Go All Out for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is approaching, and many people are making plans for romantic evenings with their special someone.

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If you're wondering who spends the most on Valentine's Day gifts, look no further than Texas.  sheds light on Texas's unique gift-giving habits.


Houston FTW

According to the study, Texas has some interesting ways of celebrating February 14th. Dallas stands out, ranking fifth in the nation for big spenders. On average, people in Dallas spend $79.25 on Valentine's Day gifts. But Houston takes the top spot nationwide for spending the most. The average Houston resident shells out $105.27 for Valentine's Day.


Known for its sprawling metropolis and vibrant culture, Houstonians spare no expense when it comes to wooing their beloveds. From lavish dinners at upscale restaurants to extravagant gifts, this city takes the cake (or perhaps, the heart-shaped chocolate box) for Valentine's Day splurges.

Fifty Bucks Ain't Too Shabby

Overall, Texans spend an average of $53.83 on Valentine's Day gifts, which is 13% higher than the national average. What are they spending their money on? The study reveals that the most desired gifts in Texas are dinner and flowers.

Happy Valentines Day

In conclusion, whether you're in the bustling streets of Houston, the cosmopolitan vibes of Dallas, the eclectic atmosphere of Austin, the romantic allure of San Antonio, or the Western charm of Fort Worth, one thing's for sure: Texans know how to celebrate love in style. So here's to the Lone Star State and the countless hearts that beat a little faster on Valentine's Day!

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