Whether your kids are trick-or-treating in Houston, TX or Henderson, TX, they are certainly anticipating all those delicious sweets. It's funny to think back on candy we loved growing up, that now don't find appealing at all.

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According to these folks, you're not alone. "Whether it’s due to potential dental impacts or taste bud changes, Jawbreakers, Candy Corn, and Blow Pops are the top candies Americans won’t touch now." Can you imagine eating a Jawbreaker today? it has no taste, and only serves two purposes: make sticky mess and break your jaw.

Before we get into the most dangerous candy, how about we dive into the most popular? If you wanna be a cool house for trick-or-treaters, stock up on candy like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, M&M’s, Kit Kats, Snicker and Twix.

If you want to discourage kids from stopping by, but passively aggressively just hand out: Candy Corn, Hot Tamales, Peeps, Dots, and Atomic Fireballs. Word will get around.

The same website uncovered the most dangerous candy in America for teeth. "Topping off the list is a candy that is open about its potential dental impacts with its name, Jawbreaker. Following are two candies with more sweet names, Jolly Rancher, and Bit-O-Honey."

More Concerning Findings:

  • Jawbreakers, Jolly Ranchers, Bit-O-Honey, Starbursts, and Tootsie Rolls are the most dangerous Halloween candy for your teeth.
  • Teeth sensitivity, tooth pain, and damaged fillings/crowns are the top dental issues Americans experience from eating candy.
  • Americans have spent $538.28, on average, fixing their teeth after a dental accident caused by candy.

Happy Halloween!

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins