Happy Valentine’s Day You Beautiful Person, You!
Its Valentine's Day! I'm sure you already have your date planned out with a romantic dinner with candlelight in a dark room as you both enjoy a delicious home cooked meal complete with ordered-in dessert from your date's favorite bakery...or not. Honestly, there's more to Valentine's Day than just buying extravagant, lavish exotic gifts and food to spoil you're special valentine with. In fact, today is shared by other holidays, too. Did you know that?
So...Happy Library Lovers Day! The Old Switcheroo! Today is more than just valentine stuff, its also about book stuff. While the origin of today's (other) holiday is unclear the message is simple: Enjoy your local library. So if you have time, and your date is a book fan, then perhaps you may want to change the venue of your date to a place a little quieter and calming with plenty of places to sit and lose yourself within worlds of fantasy and history. If this sounds ideal to you, then this extra holiday is just what you need. However, you may find it difficult to eat in a library so eat first and then sit close and enjoy some good stories from your local library with your special valentine.
Another way to celebrate today's holiday is to use your library card (or get one if you don't have on already) and check out a book or movie and spend some time enjoying with your loved one. For more information on today's holiday and other ways to celebrate, click here. Whether how you celebrate today's multiple holidays, just know that there are options of celebrations to choose from. Heck, you could celebrate Library Lovers day today and spend the weekend celebrating your valentine.
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