A Common Cleaner Gets Approval to Fight Coronavirus
If you ran all over town looking for COVID cleaners when things first started shutting down March and you had this magic cure under your sink at home the whole time, you're going to be kicking yourself.
The Environmental Protection Agency approved one more cleaner in the Lysol family to help fight COVID-19. Earlier this month, the EPA agreed that Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner is effective in killing coronavirus.
The Today Show said the cleaner was tested by a third-party lab and the results showed that Pine-sol can kill the virus within 10 minutes of being used on hard, nonporous surfaces.
That is if you don't water it down. The Clorox Company recommends applying "full-strength Pine-Sol to a surface with a clean cloth or sponge. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse the surface with warm water."
I washed down the surfaces of my cabinets with Pine-sol in 2018 and then shelved it, and that's probably not a super effective approach to keeping the family safe in these pandemic days. Pine-sol has been sitting under my kitchen sink for all of 2020, and yet I've had it in my head that it's best for deep-cleaning and not the every day wipe-downs. Apparently, it's good for both, and some of us need to deep clean more often.
I do have hand sanitizer sitting all over the house, and Clorox wipes in strategic places to it's easy to disinfect door handles and remotes. Now the Pine-sol is sitting on the counter as a reminder that it can defend the granite, cabinets, and the fridge if I'll let it.
If you're keeping track, a total of 66 Clorox products have been approved by the EPA to fight coronavirus. The stores seem to be stocked again, but if you're having trouble finding the products Clorox says it's increasing production every day and more pallets are on the way.
Or, just check underneath the kitchen sink! There might be some lurking there too.

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