
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
Brothel Owner Recommends Legalized Prostitution to Fix Economy
There is one business that continues to flourish no matter how unstable the American economy seems to become: prostitution. And while lawmakers are currently struggling to figure out ways to keep the country from tipping right over the fiscal cliff, there are some that believe the solution lies in legalizing and taxing the sex trade.
Reality TV Beauty Queen Arrested For Prostitution
Reality TV Beauty Queen Arrested For Prostitution
Reality TV Beauty Queen Arrested For Prostitution
Alicia Guastaferro is notorious for being one of the least likable reality TV stars of all time (which is saying something considering the competition). In a 2008 appearance on ‘Wife Swap’ she was spoiled by her parents who leave their Christmas tree up all year and shower her daily with gifts (during the show she received a Chevy Tahoe as one present). Later, the local beauty queen would tell the