
Happy Caviar Day!
Happy Caviar Day!
Happy Caviar Day!
Bust out your monocle and top hat and enjoy a little dish of fish eggs for today is Caviar Day. You may not be aware, but this holiday was created to encourage humane and environmentally friendly be kind to fish as you eat the babies...
Happy Macaroon Day!
Happy Macaroon Day!
Happy Macaroon Day!
Hungry for something sweet and different? If so, today is a great holiday for you. I'll start off with some honesty and admit to never trying a macaroon. That said, I think I shall go out and celebrate National Macaroon Day by eating one...
Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day!
Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day!
Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day!
Are you a fan of illusions? Not necessarily magic, but the art of illusions? For the record there is a difference. However, "Smoke and Mirrors" has more meaning than just a reference to magic and illusion; It also refers to computing. It is used to describe programs that exist, but at the same time don't...
Its Waffle Day...again! Interesting fact: There are 3 (as of right now) holidays for Waffles. Waffle Day is celebrated March 11th, March 25th and August 24th (kind of a weird stretch of time between each of the days). However, unlike the Waffle Day on March 11th, today's Waffle Day isn't about a specific type of waffle, but rather all waffles in general...

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