
Online ‘Planking’ Craze Leads to Man’s Death
Online ‘Planking’ Craze Leads to Man’s Death
Online ‘Planking’ Craze Leads to Man’s Death
The Internet photo sensation called "planking," which can be best described as extreme lying down, led to a 20-year-old Australian man plunging to his death while partaking in the fad this weekend, police said. Queensland police said the man fell several stories from a Brisbane high-rise early Sunday morning while engaging in the activity, in which the planker lies flat on their stomach
Dinosaur Scares Australian School Children [VIDEO]
Dinosaur Scares Australian School Children [VIDEO]
Dinosaur Scares Australian School Children [VIDEO]
One of the first things a youngster learns about dinosaurs is that they have long been extinct. On a certain level, these Australian school children have internalized that lesson. However, when the life-like prehistoric beast starts to roar in this video (after the jump), some of them no longer seem so sure. In defense of the scaredy cats, that's a pretty impressive movie-quality dinosaur suit th
Australians May Face Arrest For “Free Money” Incident
Australians May Face Arrest For “Free Money” Incident
Australians May Face Arrest For “Free Money” Incident
History buffs know the origins of Australia. The old tale of it being a former penal colony is only partly true and I know several people who'd be happy to tell you the whole story if you have a couple of hours. The Aussies always hope to one day shed the old penal colony stories and be seen for what they are in this modern day and age. You know, as completely honest people who like to try to scor